Evo Voice

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Creates a new file. You can either upload directly or via form files multipart

Requires Authentication
The following routes are available for this service:
import Foundation
import ServiceStack

* Creates a new file. You can either upload directly or via form files multipart
// @Api(Description="Creates a new file. You can either upload directly or via form files multipart")
public class AppUploadFile : Codable
    public var fileName:String?
    public var accountId:String?
    public var customerId:String?

    required public init(){}

public class FileInfo : EntityInfo
    * The type of file this is
    // @ApiMember(Description="The type of file this is")
    public var type:FileTypes?

    * The account ID this file is associated with
    // @ApiMember(Description="The account ID this file is associated with")
    public var accountId:String?

    * The name of the account this file is associated with
    // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the account this file is associated with")
    public var accountName:String?

    * The ID of the customer this file is associated with
    // @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the customer this file is associated with")
    public var customerId:String?

    * The name of the customer this file is associated with
    // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the customer this file is associated with")
    public var customerName:String?

    * The breadcrumb to the customer for this file
    // @ApiMember(Description="The breadcrumb to the customer for this file")
    public var customerBreadcrumb:[CustomerBreadcrumb] = []

    * The ID of the user this file is assocaited with
    // @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the user this file is assocaited with")
    public var userId:String?

    * The name of the user this file is associated with
    // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the user this file is associated with")
    public var userName:String?

    * The original file name for the file
    // @ApiMember(Description="The original file name for the file")
    public var fileName:String?

    * The URI of the file
    // @ApiMember(Description="The URI of the file")
    public var uri:String?

    * The Content type of the file
    // @ApiMember(Description="The Content type of the file")
    public var contentType:String?

    * The size of the file
    // @ApiMember(Description="The size of the file")
    public var contentLength:Int?

    * The Twilio ID of the recording
    // @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio ID of the recording")
    public var recordingSid:String?

    * The duration of the recording in seconds
    // @ApiMember(Description="The duration of the recording in seconds")
    public var recordingDuration:Int?

    * Who is the recording from?
    // @ApiMember(Description="Who is the recording from?")
    public var recordingFrom:String?

    * Transcription (if available)
    // @ApiMember(Description="Transcription (if available)")
    public var transcription:String?

    * From Address (e.g. caller ID) for incoming calls
    // @ApiMember(Description="From Address (e.g. caller ID) for incoming calls")
    public var fromAddress:String?

    * To Address (e.g. dialed number) for outgoing calls
    // @ApiMember(Description="To Address (e.g. dialed number) for outgoing calls")
    public var toAddress:String?

    required public init(){ super.init() }

    private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
        case type
        case accountId
        case accountName
        case customerId
        case customerName
        case customerBreadcrumb
        case userId
        case userName
        case fileName
        case uri
        case contentType
        case contentLength
        case recordingSid
        case recordingDuration
        case recordingFrom
        case transcription
        case fromAddress
        case toAddress

    required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        try super.init(from: decoder)
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        type = try container.decodeIfPresent(FileTypes.self, forKey: .type)
        accountId = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .accountId)
        accountName = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .accountName)
        customerId = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .customerId)
        customerName = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .customerName)
        customerBreadcrumb = try container.decodeIfPresent([CustomerBreadcrumb].self, forKey: .customerBreadcrumb) ?? []
        userId = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .userId)
        userName = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .userName)
        fileName = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .fileName)
        uri = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .uri)
        contentType = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .contentType)
        contentLength = try container.decodeIfPresent(Int.self, forKey: .contentLength)
        recordingSid = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .recordingSid)
        recordingDuration = try container.decodeIfPresent(Int.self, forKey: .recordingDuration)
        recordingFrom = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .recordingFrom)
        transcription = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .transcription)
        fromAddress = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .fromAddress)
        toAddress = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .toAddress)

    public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        try super.encode(to: encoder)
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        if type != nil { try container.encode(type, forKey: .type) }
        if accountId != nil { try container.encode(accountId, forKey: .accountId) }
        if accountName != nil { try container.encode(accountName, forKey: .accountName) }
        if customerId != nil { try container.encode(customerId, forKey: .customerId) }
        if customerName != nil { try container.encode(customerName, forKey: .customerName) }
        if customerBreadcrumb.count > 0 { try container.encode(customerBreadcrumb, forKey: .customerBreadcrumb) }
        if userId != nil { try container.encode(userId, forKey: .userId) }
        if userName != nil { try container.encode(userName, forKey: .userName) }
        if fileName != nil { try container.encode(fileName, forKey: .fileName) }
        if uri != nil { try container.encode(uri, forKey: .uri) }
        if contentType != nil { try container.encode(contentType, forKey: .contentType) }
        if contentLength != nil { try container.encode(contentLength, forKey: .contentLength) }
        if recordingSid != nil { try container.encode(recordingSid, forKey: .recordingSid) }
        if recordingDuration != nil { try container.encode(recordingDuration, forKey: .recordingDuration) }
        if recordingFrom != nil { try container.encode(recordingFrom, forKey: .recordingFrom) }
        if transcription != nil { try container.encode(transcription, forKey: .transcription) }
        if fromAddress != nil { try container.encode(fromAddress, forKey: .fromAddress) }
        if toAddress != nil { try container.encode(toAddress, forKey: .toAddress) }

public class EntityInfo : Codable
    * The ID of the object
    // @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the object")
    public var id:String?

    * The date the object was created
    // @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was created")
    public var dateCreated:String?

    * The date the object was last modified
    // @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was last modified")
    public var dateLastModified:String?

    * The user that created this object
    // @ApiMember(Description="The user that created this object")
    public var createdBy:String?

    * The user that last modified this object
    // @ApiMember(Description="The user that last modified this object")
    public var lastModifiedBy:String?

    required public init(){}

public enum FileTypes : String, Codable
    case Upload
    case VoiceMessage
    case CallRecording
    case Fax
    case Attachment
    case FaxOutgoing

public class CustomerBreadcrumb : Codable
    public var id:String?
    public var name:String?

    required public init(){}

Swift AppUploadFile DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /app/file HTTP/1.1 
Host: evovoice.io 
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	fileName: String,
	accountId: String,
	customerId: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	type: Upload,
	accountId: String,
	accountName: String,
	customerId: String,
	customerName: String,
			id: String,
			name: String
	userId: String,
	userName: String,
	fileName: String,
	uri: String,
	contentType: String,
	contentLength: 0,
	recordingSid: String,
	recordingDuration: 0,
	recordingFrom: String,
	transcription: String,
	fromAddress: String,
	toAddress: String,
	id: String,
	dateCreated: String,
	dateLastModified: String,
	createdBy: String,
	lastModifiedBy: String