Evo Voice

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Upload a new avatar for this endpoint. Use HTTP Files for the image

Requires Authentication
Requires any of the roles:SystemAdministrator, Manager, Customer
The following routes are available for this service:
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;

public class dtos

    * Upload a new avatar for this endpoint. Use HTTP Files for the image
    @Api(Description="Upload a new avatar for this endpoint. Use HTTP Files for the image")
    public static class NewUserAvatar
        * The ID of the endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the endpoint")
        public String endpointId = null;
        public String getEndpointId() { return endpointId; }
        public NewUserAvatar setEndpointId(String value) { this.endpointId = value; return this; }

    public static class EndpointInfo extends EntityInfo
        * The account ID this endpoint is associated with
        @ApiMember(Description="The account ID this endpoint is associated with")
        public String accountId = null;

        * The name of the account this endpoint is associated with
        @ApiMember(Description="The name of the account this endpoint is associated with")
        public String accountName = null;

        * The ID of the customer this endpoint is associated with
        @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the customer this endpoint is associated with")
        public String customerId = null;

        * The name of the customer this endpoint is associated with
        @ApiMember(Description="The name of the customer this endpoint is associated with")
        public String customerName = null;

        * The third party reference ID for the endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The third party reference ID for the endpoint")
        public String referenceId = null;

        * The breadcrumb to the customer for this endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The breadcrumb to the customer for this endpoint")
        public ArrayList<CustomerBreadcrumb> customerBreadcrumb = null;

        * The display name of the endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The display name of the endpoint")
        public String displayName = null;

        * The type of endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The type of endpoint")
        public EndpointTypes type = null;

        * Extra info for this endpoint (typically to show in grid)
        @ApiMember(Description="Extra info for this endpoint (typically to show in grid)")
        public String extraInformation = null;

        * The ID of the flow to use for voice
        @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the flow to use for voice")
        public String flowId = null;

        * The name of the flow to use for voice
        @ApiMember(Description="The name of the flow to use for voice")
        public String flowName = null;

        * The params for the voice flow
        @ApiMember(Description="The params for the voice flow")
        public Struct flowParams = null;

        * Whether to use a single flow always or use scheduled flow system
        @ApiMember(Description="Whether to use a single flow always or use scheduled flow system")
        public EndpointFlowSchedules flowSchedule = null;

        * This endpoint's schedule
        @ApiMember(Description="This endpoint's schedule")
        public Schedule schedule = null;

        * The list of scheduled flows when using scheduling
        @ApiMember(Description="The list of scheduled flows when using scheduling")
        public ArrayList<ScheduledFlow> scheduledFlows = null;

        * Disable SMS
        @ApiMember(Description="Disable SMS")
        public Boolean disableSms = null;

        * Set this to true to prevent Evo Voice from overriding the 10DLC / SMS settings for this number
        @ApiMember(Description="Set this to true to prevent Evo Voice from overriding the 10DLC / SMS settings for this number")
        public Boolean useExternal10DlcCampaign = null;

        * Is this a virtual phone number?
        @ApiMember(Description="Is this a virtual phone number?")
        public Boolean isVirtualPhoneNumber = null;

        * Is caller ID verified for this virtual number?
        @ApiMember(Description="Is caller ID verified for this virtual number?")
        public Boolean isCallerIdVerified = null;

        * The verification code for this number
        @ApiMember(Description="The verification code for this number")
        public String callerIdVerificationCode = null;

        * The phone number
        @ApiMember(Description="The phone number")
        public String phoneNumber = null;

        * The Sid of the phone number
        @ApiMember(Description="The Sid of the phone number")
        public String phoneNumberSid = null;

        * The caller ID Name (CNAM) for the phone number
        @ApiMember(Description="The caller ID Name (CNAM) for the phone number")
        public String callerIdName = null;

        * The address SID associated with the phone number
        @ApiMember(Description="The address SID associated with the phone number")
        public String addressSid = null;

        * Do not touch this phone number - for BYOA accounts
        @ApiMember(Description="Do not touch this phone number - for BYOA accounts")
        public Boolean doNotTouchPhoneNumber = null;

        * Is this number enrolled in a 10DLC messaging service campaign
        @ApiMember(Description="Is this number enrolled in a 10DLC messaging service campaign")
        public Boolean isEnrolledIn10DlcService = null;

        * Whether we look up caller ID or not
        @ApiMember(Description="Whether we look up caller ID or not")
        public Boolean enableCallerIdLookup = null;

        * The email address of the user
        @ApiMember(Description="The email address of the user")
        public String userEmailAddress = null;

        * The Twilio Region for the SIP endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio Region for the SIP endpoint")
        public TwilioSipRegions sipRegion = null;

        * The Twilio Sid of the credentials for Sip
        @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio Sid of the credentials for Sip")
        public String sipCredentialSid = null;

        * The Twilio SIP user name
        @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio SIP user name")
        public String sipUserName = null;

        * The Twilio SIP password
        @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio SIP password")
        public String sipPassword = null;

        * The SIP domain
        @ApiMember(Description="The SIP domain")
        public String sipDomain = null;

        * Is emergency calling enabled on this number?
        @ApiMember(Description="Is emergency calling enabled on this number?")
        public Boolean enableEmergencyCalling = null;

        * The SID of the emergency address for this number
        @ApiMember(Description="The SID of the emergency address for this number")
        public String emergencyAddressSid = null;

        * The ID of the phone number to use for emergency dialing
        @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the phone number to use for emergency dialing")
        public String emergencyPhoneNumberId = null;

        * The current agent state of this user endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The current agent state of this user endpoint")
        public AgentStates agentState = null;

        * The current agent state reason of this user endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The current agent state reason of this user endpoint")
        public AgentStateReasons agentStateReason = null;

        * The mode for this user
        @ApiMember(Description="The mode for this user")
        public UserModes userMode = null;

        * The ID of the file to use for voicemail greeting
        @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the file to use for voicemail greeting")
        public String voicemailGreetingId = null;

        * The endpoint's data
        @ApiMember(Description="The endpoint's data")
        public Struct data = null;

        * The email address for email endpoints
        @ApiMember(Description="The email address for email endpoints")
        public String emailAddress = null;

        * The first name of the user (for user endpoints)
        @ApiMember(Description="The first name of the user (for user endpoints)")
        public String userFirstName = null;

        * The last name of the user (for user endpoints)
        @ApiMember(Description="The last name of the user (for user endpoints)")
        public String userLastName = null;

        * The URL of an image for this user's avatar
        @ApiMember(Description="The URL of an image for this user's avatar")
        public String avatarUrl = null;

        * Does this user have manager role?
        @ApiMember(Description="Does this user have manager role?")
        public UserManagerRoles managerRole = null;

        * The list of dashboard permissions for when the manager role is custom
        @ApiMember(Description="The list of dashboard permissions for when the manager role is custom")
        public ArrayList<DashboardPermissions> dashboardPermissions = null;

        * The type of visibility this user has to their own fields
        @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to their own fields")
        public UserDataFieldModes myFieldPermissions = null;

        * The type of visibility this user has to customer fields
        @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to customer fields")
        public UserDataFieldModes customerFieldPermissions = null;

        * The type of visibility this user has to other user fields
        @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to other user fields")
        public UserDataFieldModes otherUserFieldPermissions = null;

        * The type of visibility this user has to other endpoint fields
        @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to other endpoint fields")
        public UserDataFieldModes otherEndpointFieldPermissions = null;

        * The name of this endpoint (for bots etc.)
        @ApiMember(Description="The name of this endpoint (for bots etc.)")
        public String name = null;

        * The list of tags for this endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The list of tags for this endpoint")
        public ArrayList<Tag> tags = null;

        * The list of action URLs
        @ApiMember(Description="The list of action URLs")
        public ArrayList<EndpointActionUrl> actionUrls = null;

        * The list of members in this team
        @ApiMember(Description="The list of members in this team")
        public ArrayList<String> teamMemberIds = null;

        * Visibility of this user/team in contact lists
        @ApiMember(Description="Visibility of this user/team in contact lists")
        public CustomerVisibility contactListVisibility = null;

        * The list of contacts personal to this user
        @ApiMember(Description="The list of contacts personal to this user")
        public ArrayList<EndpointContact> contacts = null;

        * The documo ID for this number
        @ApiMember(Description="The documo ID for this number")
        public String documoId = null;

        * Integration data for this endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="Integration data for this endpoint")
        public EntityIntegrationData integrationData = null;

        * Settings for third party phone system
        @ApiMember(Description="Settings for third party phone system")
        public ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings thirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings = null;

        * Should this user override the parent customer's app settings
        @ApiMember(Description="Should this user override the parent customer's app settings")
        public Boolean overrideAppSettings = null;

        * App / Portal settings for this user
        @ApiMember(Description="App / Portal settings for this user")
        public AppSettings appSettings = null;

        * Configuration for the AI assistant
        @ApiMember(Description="Configuration for the AI assistant")
        public AssistantSettings assistantSettings = null;
        public String getAccountId() { return accountId; }
        public EndpointInfo setAccountId(String value) { this.accountId = value; return this; }
        public String getAccountName() { return accountName; }
        public EndpointInfo setAccountName(String value) { this.accountName = value; return this; }
        public String getCustomerId() { return customerId; }
        public EndpointInfo setCustomerId(String value) { this.customerId = value; return this; }
        public String getCustomerName() { return customerName; }
        public EndpointInfo setCustomerName(String value) { this.customerName = value; return this; }
        public String getReferenceId() { return referenceId; }
        public EndpointInfo setReferenceId(String value) { this.referenceId = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<CustomerBreadcrumb> getCustomerBreadcrumb() { return customerBreadcrumb; }
        public EndpointInfo setCustomerBreadcrumb(ArrayList<CustomerBreadcrumb> value) { this.customerBreadcrumb = value; return this; }
        public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; }
        public EndpointInfo setDisplayName(String value) { this.displayName = value; return this; }
        public EndpointTypes getType() { return type; }
        public EndpointInfo setType(EndpointTypes value) { this.type = value; return this; }
        public String getExtraInformation() { return extraInformation; }
        public EndpointInfo setExtraInformation(String value) { this.extraInformation = value; return this; }
        public String getFlowId() { return flowId; }
        public EndpointInfo setFlowId(String value) { this.flowId = value; return this; }
        public String getFlowName() { return flowName; }
        public EndpointInfo setFlowName(String value) { this.flowName = value; return this; }
        public Struct getFlowParams() { return flowParams; }
        public EndpointInfo setFlowParams(Struct value) { this.flowParams = value; return this; }
        public EndpointFlowSchedules getFlowSchedule() { return flowSchedule; }
        public EndpointInfo setFlowSchedule(EndpointFlowSchedules value) { this.flowSchedule = value; return this; }
        public Schedule getSchedule() { return schedule; }
        public EndpointInfo setSchedule(Schedule value) { this.schedule = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<ScheduledFlow> getScheduledFlows() { return scheduledFlows; }
        public EndpointInfo setScheduledFlows(ArrayList<ScheduledFlow> value) { this.scheduledFlows = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDisableSms() { return disableSms; }
        public EndpointInfo setDisableSms(Boolean value) { this.disableSms = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isUseExternal10DlcCampaign() { return useExternal10DlcCampaign; }
        public EndpointInfo setUseExternal10DlcCampaign(Boolean value) { this.useExternal10DlcCampaign = value; return this; }
        public Boolean getIsVirtualPhoneNumber() { return isVirtualPhoneNumber; }
        public EndpointInfo setIsVirtualPhoneNumber(Boolean value) { this.isVirtualPhoneNumber = value; return this; }
        public Boolean getIsCallerIdVerified() { return isCallerIdVerified; }
        public EndpointInfo setIsCallerIdVerified(Boolean value) { this.isCallerIdVerified = value; return this; }
        public String getCallerIdVerificationCode() { return callerIdVerificationCode; }
        public EndpointInfo setCallerIdVerificationCode(String value) { this.callerIdVerificationCode = value; return this; }
        public String getPhoneNumber() { return phoneNumber; }
        public EndpointInfo setPhoneNumber(String value) { this.phoneNumber = value; return this; }
        public String getPhoneNumberSid() { return phoneNumberSid; }
        public EndpointInfo setPhoneNumberSid(String value) { this.phoneNumberSid = value; return this; }
        public String getCallerIdName() { return callerIdName; }
        public EndpointInfo setCallerIdName(String value) { this.callerIdName = value; return this; }
        public String getAddressSid() { return addressSid; }
        public EndpointInfo setAddressSid(String value) { this.addressSid = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDoNotTouchPhoneNumber() { return doNotTouchPhoneNumber; }
        public EndpointInfo setDoNotTouchPhoneNumber(Boolean value) { this.doNotTouchPhoneNumber = value; return this; }
        public Boolean getIsEnrolledIn10DlcService() { return isEnrolledIn10DlcService; }
        public EndpointInfo setIsEnrolledIn10DlcService(Boolean value) { this.isEnrolledIn10DlcService = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEnableCallerIdLookup() { return enableCallerIdLookup; }
        public EndpointInfo setEnableCallerIdLookup(Boolean value) { this.enableCallerIdLookup = value; return this; }
        public String getUserEmailAddress() { return userEmailAddress; }
        public EndpointInfo setUserEmailAddress(String value) { this.userEmailAddress = value; return this; }
        public TwilioSipRegions getSipRegion() { return sipRegion; }
        public EndpointInfo setSipRegion(TwilioSipRegions value) { this.sipRegion = value; return this; }
        public String getSipCredentialSid() { return sipCredentialSid; }
        public EndpointInfo setSipCredentialSid(String value) { this.sipCredentialSid = value; return this; }
        public String getSipUserName() { return sipUserName; }
        public EndpointInfo setSipUserName(String value) { this.sipUserName = value; return this; }
        public String getSipPassword() { return sipPassword; }
        public EndpointInfo setSipPassword(String value) { this.sipPassword = value; return this; }
        public String getSipDomain() { return sipDomain; }
        public EndpointInfo setSipDomain(String value) { this.sipDomain = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEnableEmergencyCalling() { return enableEmergencyCalling; }
        public EndpointInfo setEnableEmergencyCalling(Boolean value) { this.enableEmergencyCalling = value; return this; }
        public String getEmergencyAddressSid() { return emergencyAddressSid; }
        public EndpointInfo setEmergencyAddressSid(String value) { this.emergencyAddressSid = value; return this; }
        public String getEmergencyPhoneNumberId() { return emergencyPhoneNumberId; }
        public EndpointInfo setEmergencyPhoneNumberId(String value) { this.emergencyPhoneNumberId = value; return this; }
        public AgentStates getAgentState() { return agentState; }
        public EndpointInfo setAgentState(AgentStates value) { this.agentState = value; return this; }
        public AgentStateReasons getAgentStateReason() { return agentStateReason; }
        public EndpointInfo setAgentStateReason(AgentStateReasons value) { this.agentStateReason = value; return this; }
        public UserModes getUserMode() { return userMode; }
        public EndpointInfo setUserMode(UserModes value) { this.userMode = value; return this; }
        public String getVoicemailGreetingId() { return voicemailGreetingId; }
        public EndpointInfo setVoicemailGreetingId(String value) { this.voicemailGreetingId = value; return this; }
        public Struct getData() { return data; }
        public EndpointInfo setData(Struct value) { this.data = value; return this; }
        public String getEmailAddress() { return emailAddress; }
        public EndpointInfo setEmailAddress(String value) { this.emailAddress = value; return this; }
        public String getUserFirstName() { return userFirstName; }
        public EndpointInfo setUserFirstName(String value) { this.userFirstName = value; return this; }
        public String getUserLastName() { return userLastName; }
        public EndpointInfo setUserLastName(String value) { this.userLastName = value; return this; }
        public String getAvatarUrl() { return avatarUrl; }
        public EndpointInfo setAvatarUrl(String value) { this.avatarUrl = value; return this; }
        public UserManagerRoles getManagerRole() { return managerRole; }
        public EndpointInfo setManagerRole(UserManagerRoles value) { this.managerRole = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<DashboardPermissions> getDashboardPermissions() { return dashboardPermissions; }
        public EndpointInfo setDashboardPermissions(ArrayList<DashboardPermissions> value) { this.dashboardPermissions = value; return this; }
        public UserDataFieldModes getMyFieldPermissions() { return myFieldPermissions; }
        public EndpointInfo setMyFieldPermissions(UserDataFieldModes value) { this.myFieldPermissions = value; return this; }
        public UserDataFieldModes getCustomerFieldPermissions() { return customerFieldPermissions; }
        public EndpointInfo setCustomerFieldPermissions(UserDataFieldModes value) { this.customerFieldPermissions = value; return this; }
        public UserDataFieldModes getOtherUserFieldPermissions() { return otherUserFieldPermissions; }
        public EndpointInfo setOtherUserFieldPermissions(UserDataFieldModes value) { this.otherUserFieldPermissions = value; return this; }
        public UserDataFieldModes getOtherEndpointFieldPermissions() { return otherEndpointFieldPermissions; }
        public EndpointInfo setOtherEndpointFieldPermissions(UserDataFieldModes value) { this.otherEndpointFieldPermissions = value; return this; }
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public EndpointInfo setName(String value) { this.name = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Tag> getTags() { return tags; }
        public EndpointInfo setTags(ArrayList<Tag> value) { this.tags = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<EndpointActionUrl> getActionUrls() { return actionUrls; }
        public EndpointInfo setActionUrls(ArrayList<EndpointActionUrl> value) { this.actionUrls = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<String> getTeamMemberIds() { return teamMemberIds; }
        public EndpointInfo setTeamMemberIds(ArrayList<String> value) { this.teamMemberIds = value; return this; }
        public CustomerVisibility getContactListVisibility() { return contactListVisibility; }
        public EndpointInfo setContactListVisibility(CustomerVisibility value) { this.contactListVisibility = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<EndpointContact> getContacts() { return contacts; }
        public EndpointInfo setContacts(ArrayList<EndpointContact> value) { this.contacts = value; return this; }
        public String getDocumoId() { return documoId; }
        public EndpointInfo setDocumoId(String value) { this.documoId = value; return this; }
        public EntityIntegrationData getIntegrationData() { return integrationData; }
        public EndpointInfo setIntegrationData(EntityIntegrationData value) { this.integrationData = value; return this; }
        public ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings getThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings() { return thirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings; }
        public EndpointInfo setThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings(ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings value) { this.thirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isOverrideAppSettings() { return overrideAppSettings; }
        public EndpointInfo setOverrideAppSettings(Boolean value) { this.overrideAppSettings = value; return this; }
        public AppSettings getAppSettings() { return appSettings; }
        public EndpointInfo setAppSettings(AppSettings value) { this.appSettings = value; return this; }
        public AssistantSettings getAssistantSettings() { return assistantSettings; }
        public EndpointInfo setAssistantSettings(AssistantSettings value) { this.assistantSettings = value; return this; }

    public static class EntityInfo
        * The ID of the object
        @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the object")
        public String id = null;

        * The date the object was created
        @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was created")
        public String dateCreated = null;

        * The date the object was last modified
        @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was last modified")
        public String dateLastModified = null;

        * The user that created this object
        @ApiMember(Description="The user that created this object")
        public String createdBy = null;

        * The user that last modified this object
        @ApiMember(Description="The user that last modified this object")
        public String lastModifiedBy = null;
        public String getId() { return id; }
        public EntityInfo setId(String value) { this.id = value; return this; }
        public String getDateCreated() { return dateCreated; }
        public EntityInfo setDateCreated(String value) { this.dateCreated = value; return this; }
        public String getDateLastModified() { return dateLastModified; }
        public EntityInfo setDateLastModified(String value) { this.dateLastModified = value; return this; }
        public String getCreatedBy() { return createdBy; }
        public EntityInfo setCreatedBy(String value) { this.createdBy = value; return this; }
        public String getLastModifiedBy() { return lastModifiedBy; }
        public EntityInfo setLastModifiedBy(String value) { this.lastModifiedBy = value; return this; }

    public static class CustomerBreadcrumb
        public String id = null;
        public String name = null;
        public String getId() { return id; }
        public CustomerBreadcrumb setId(String value) { this.id = value; return this; }
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public CustomerBreadcrumb setName(String value) { this.name = value; return this; }

    public static enum EndpointTypes

    public static class Struct extends HashMap<String,Value>

    public static class Value
        public Boolean boolValue = null;
        public String stringValue = null;
        public Double numberValue = null;
        public ArrayList<Struct> listValue = null;
        public Struct structValue = null;
        public Boolean isBoolValue() { return boolValue; }
        public Value setBoolValue(Boolean value) { this.boolValue = value; return this; }
        public String getStringValue() { return stringValue; }
        public Value setStringValue(String value) { this.stringValue = value; return this; }
        public Double getNumberValue() { return numberValue; }
        public Value setNumberValue(Double value) { this.numberValue = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Struct> getListValue() { return listValue; }
        public Value setListValue(ArrayList<Struct> value) { this.listValue = value; return this; }
        public Struct getStructValue() { return structValue; }
        public Value setStructValue(Struct value) { this.structValue = value; return this; }

    public static enum EndpointFlowSchedules

    public static class Schedule
        public String timeZoneId = null;
        public Boolean inherit = null;
        public Boolean forceClosed = null;
        public ArrayList<SchedulingRule> rules = null;
        public String defaultState = null;
        public String getTimeZoneId() { return timeZoneId; }
        public Schedule setTimeZoneId(String value) { this.timeZoneId = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isInherit() { return inherit; }
        public Schedule setInherit(Boolean value) { this.inherit = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isForceClosed() { return forceClosed; }
        public Schedule setForceClosed(Boolean value) { this.forceClosed = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<SchedulingRule> getRules() { return rules; }
        public Schedule setRules(ArrayList<SchedulingRule> value) { this.rules = value; return this; }
        public String getDefaultState() { return defaultState; }
        public Schedule setDefaultState(String value) { this.defaultState = value; return this; }

    public static class SchedulingRule
        public String id = null;
        public String name = null;
        public Integer priority = null;
        public String state = null;
        public String source = null;
        public String condition = null;
        public SimpleSchedulingRuleTypes simpleRuleType = null;
        public String customerState = null;
        public String flowId = null;
        public Struct flowParams = null;
        public Boolean isAllDay = null;
        public String startDate = null;
        public String startTime = null;
        public String endTime = null;
        public ArrayList<Integer> bySetPosition = null;
        public ArrayList<Integer> byMonth = null;
        public ArrayList<Integer> byWeekNo = null;
        public ArrayList<Integer> byYearDay = null;
        public ArrayList<Integer> byMonthDay = null;
        public ArrayList<ScheduleDay> byDay = null;
        public ArrayList<Integer> byHour = null;
        public ArrayList<Integer> byMinute = null;
        public Integer interval = null;
        public Integer count = null;
        public String untilDate = null;
        public SchedulingRuleFrequency frequency = null;
        public String getId() { return id; }
        public SchedulingRule setId(String value) { this.id = value; return this; }
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public SchedulingRule setName(String value) { this.name = value; return this; }
        public Integer getPriority() { return priority; }
        public SchedulingRule setPriority(Integer value) { this.priority = value; return this; }
        public String getState() { return state; }
        public SchedulingRule setState(String value) { this.state = value; return this; }
        public String getSource() { return source; }
        public SchedulingRule setSource(String value) { this.source = value; return this; }
        public String getCondition() { return condition; }
        public SchedulingRule setCondition(String value) { this.condition = value; return this; }
        public SimpleSchedulingRuleTypes getSimpleRuleType() { return simpleRuleType; }
        public SchedulingRule setSimpleRuleType(SimpleSchedulingRuleTypes value) { this.simpleRuleType = value; return this; }
        public String getCustomerState() { return customerState; }
        public SchedulingRule setCustomerState(String value) { this.customerState = value; return this; }
        public String getFlowId() { return flowId; }
        public SchedulingRule setFlowId(String value) { this.flowId = value; return this; }
        public Struct getFlowParams() { return flowParams; }
        public SchedulingRule setFlowParams(Struct value) { this.flowParams = value; return this; }
        public Boolean getIsAllDay() { return isAllDay; }
        public SchedulingRule setIsAllDay(Boolean value) { this.isAllDay = value; return this; }
        public String getStartDate() { return startDate; }
        public SchedulingRule setStartDate(String value) { this.startDate = value; return this; }
        public String getStartTime() { return startTime; }
        public SchedulingRule setStartTime(String value) { this.startTime = value; return this; }
        public String getEndTime() { return endTime; }
        public SchedulingRule setEndTime(String value) { this.endTime = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Integer> getBySetPosition() { return bySetPosition; }
        public SchedulingRule setBySetPosition(ArrayList<Integer> value) { this.bySetPosition = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Integer> getByMonth() { return byMonth; }
        public SchedulingRule setByMonth(ArrayList<Integer> value) { this.byMonth = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Integer> getByWeekNo() { return byWeekNo; }
        public SchedulingRule setByWeekNo(ArrayList<Integer> value) { this.byWeekNo = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Integer> getByYearDay() { return byYearDay; }
        public SchedulingRule setByYearDay(ArrayList<Integer> value) { this.byYearDay = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Integer> getByMonthDay() { return byMonthDay; }
        public SchedulingRule setByMonthDay(ArrayList<Integer> value) { this.byMonthDay = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<ScheduleDay> getByDay() { return byDay; }
        public SchedulingRule setByDay(ArrayList<ScheduleDay> value) { this.byDay = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Integer> getByHour() { return byHour; }
        public SchedulingRule setByHour(ArrayList<Integer> value) { this.byHour = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Integer> getByMinute() { return byMinute; }
        public SchedulingRule setByMinute(ArrayList<Integer> value) { this.byMinute = value; return this; }
        public Integer getInterval() { return interval; }
        public SchedulingRule setInterval(Integer value) { this.interval = value; return this; }
        public Integer getCount() { return count; }
        public SchedulingRule setCount(Integer value) { this.count = value; return this; }
        public String getUntilDate() { return untilDate; }
        public SchedulingRule setUntilDate(String value) { this.untilDate = value; return this; }
        public SchedulingRuleFrequency getFrequency() { return frequency; }
        public SchedulingRule setFrequency(SchedulingRuleFrequency value) { this.frequency = value; return this; }

    public static enum SimpleSchedulingRuleTypes

    public static class ScheduleDay
        public Integer offset = null;
        public DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = null;
        public Integer getOffset() { return offset; }
        public ScheduleDay setOffset(Integer value) { this.offset = value; return this; }
        public DayOfWeek getDayOfWeek() { return dayOfWeek; }
        public ScheduleDay setDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek value) { this.dayOfWeek = value; return this; }

    public static enum SchedulingRuleFrequency

    public static class ScheduledFlow
        public String stateName = null;
        public String flowId = null;
        public Struct flowParams = null;
        public String getStateName() { return stateName; }
        public ScheduledFlow setStateName(String value) { this.stateName = value; return this; }
        public String getFlowId() { return flowId; }
        public ScheduledFlow setFlowId(String value) { this.flowId = value; return this; }
        public Struct getFlowParams() { return flowParams; }
        public ScheduledFlow setFlowParams(Struct value) { this.flowParams = value; return this; }

    public static enum TwilioSipRegions

    public static enum AgentStates

    public static enum AgentStateReasons

    public static enum UserModes

    public static enum UserManagerRoles

    public static enum DashboardPermissions

    public static enum UserDataFieldModes

    public static class Tag
        public String id = null;
        public String name = null;
        public TagColors color = null;
        public String getId() { return id; }
        public Tag setId(String value) { this.id = value; return this; }
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public Tag setName(String value) { this.name = value; return this; }
        public TagColors getColor() { return color; }
        public Tag setColor(TagColors value) { this.color = value; return this; }

    public static enum TagColors

    public static class EndpointActionUrl
        public String id = null;
        public String url = null;
        public ActionUrlHttpMethods method = null;
        public String getId() { return id; }
        public EndpointActionUrl setId(String value) { this.id = value; return this; }
        public String getUrl() { return url; }
        public EndpointActionUrl setUrl(String value) { this.url = value; return this; }
        public ActionUrlHttpMethods getMethod() { return method; }
        public EndpointActionUrl setMethod(ActionUrlHttpMethods value) { this.method = value; return this; }

    public static enum ActionUrlHttpMethods

    public static enum CustomerVisibility

    public static class EndpointContact
        public String id = null;
        public String displayName = null;
        public String address = null;
        public String getId() { return id; }
        public EndpointContact setId(String value) { this.id = value; return this; }
        public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; }
        public EndpointContact setDisplayName(String value) { this.displayName = value; return this; }
        public String getAddress() { return address; }
        public EndpointContact setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }

    public static class EntityIntegrationData extends HashMap<String,IntegrationData>

    public static class IntegrationData
        public String thirdPartyId = null;
        public String getThirdPartyId() { return thirdPartyId; }
        public IntegrationData setThirdPartyId(String value) { this.thirdPartyId = value; return this; }

    public static class ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings
        public ThirdPartyPhoneSystemTypes type = null;
        public ThirdPartySipSettings sipSettings = null;
        public ThirdPartyDemoSettings demoSettings = null;
        public ThirdPartyPhoneSystemTypes getType() { return type; }
        public ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings setType(ThirdPartyPhoneSystemTypes value) { this.type = value; return this; }
        public ThirdPartySipSettings getSipSettings() { return sipSettings; }
        public ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings setSipSettings(ThirdPartySipSettings value) { this.sipSettings = value; return this; }
        public ThirdPartyDemoSettings getDemoSettings() { return demoSettings; }
        public ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings setDemoSettings(ThirdPartyDemoSettings value) { this.demoSettings = value; return this; }

    public static enum ThirdPartyPhoneSystemTypes

    public static class ThirdPartySipSettings
        public ArrayList<ThirdPartySipAccountSettings> accounts = null;
        public ArrayList<ThirdPartySipAccountSettings> getAccounts() { return accounts; }
        public ThirdPartySipSettings setAccounts(ArrayList<ThirdPartySipAccountSettings> value) { this.accounts = value; return this; }

    public static class ThirdPartySipAccountSettings
        public String number = null;
        public String agent = null;
        public String authName = null;
        public String userName = null;
        public String displayName = null;
        public String password = null;
        public String userDomain = null;
        public Integer registrationExpires = null;
        public TransportTypes transportType = null;
        public String localIP = null;
        public Integer localPort = null;
        public String sipServer = null;
        public Integer sipServerPort = null;
        public String outboundServer = null;
        public Integer outboundServerPort = null;
        public String stunServer = null;
        public Integer stunPort = null;
        public String audioPlaybackDeviceName = null;
        public String audioRecordingDeviceName = null;
        public ArrayList<AudioCodecTypes> audioCodecs = null;
        public DtmfMethods dtmfMethod = null;
        public String getNumber() { return number; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setNumber(String value) { this.number = value; return this; }
        public String getAgent() { return agent; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setAgent(String value) { this.agent = value; return this; }
        public String getAuthName() { return authName; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setAuthName(String value) { this.authName = value; return this; }
        public String getUserName() { return userName; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setUserName(String value) { this.userName = value; return this; }
        public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setDisplayName(String value) { this.displayName = value; return this; }
        public String getPassword() { return password; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setPassword(String value) { this.password = value; return this; }
        public String getUserDomain() { return userDomain; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setUserDomain(String value) { this.userDomain = value; return this; }
        public Integer getRegistrationExpires() { return registrationExpires; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setRegistrationExpires(Integer value) { this.registrationExpires = value; return this; }
        public TransportTypes getTransportType() { return transportType; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setTransportType(TransportTypes value) { this.transportType = value; return this; }
        public String getLocalIP() { return localIP; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setLocalIP(String value) { this.localIP = value; return this; }
        public Integer getLocalPort() { return localPort; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setLocalPort(Integer value) { this.localPort = value; return this; }
        public String getSipServer() { return sipServer; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setSipServer(String value) { this.sipServer = value; return this; }
        public Integer getSipServerPort() { return sipServerPort; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setSipServerPort(Integer value) { this.sipServerPort = value; return this; }
        public String getOutboundServer() { return outboundServer; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setOutboundServer(String value) { this.outboundServer = value; return this; }
        public Integer getOutboundServerPort() { return outboundServerPort; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setOutboundServerPort(Integer value) { this.outboundServerPort = value; return this; }
        public String getStunServer() { return stunServer; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setStunServer(String value) { this.stunServer = value; return this; }
        public Integer getStunPort() { return stunPort; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setStunPort(Integer value) { this.stunPort = value; return this; }
        public String getAudioPlaybackDeviceName() { return audioPlaybackDeviceName; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setAudioPlaybackDeviceName(String value) { this.audioPlaybackDeviceName = value; return this; }
        public String getAudioRecordingDeviceName() { return audioRecordingDeviceName; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setAudioRecordingDeviceName(String value) { this.audioRecordingDeviceName = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<AudioCodecTypes> getAudioCodecs() { return audioCodecs; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setAudioCodecs(ArrayList<AudioCodecTypes> value) { this.audioCodecs = value; return this; }
        public DtmfMethods getDtmfMethod() { return dtmfMethod; }
        public ThirdPartySipAccountSettings setDtmfMethod(DtmfMethods value) { this.dtmfMethod = value; return this; }

    public static enum TransportTypes

    public static enum AudioCodecTypes

        private final int value;
        AudioCodecTypes(final int intValue) { value = intValue; }
        public int getValue() { return value; }

    public static enum DtmfMethods

    public static class ThirdPartyDemoSettings
        public String extension = null;
        public String getExtension() { return extension; }
        public ThirdPartyDemoSettings setExtension(String value) { this.extension = value; return this; }

    public static class AppSettings
        public Boolean enablePhoneNumberManagement = null;
        public Boolean enableDeviceManagement = null;
        public Boolean enableDialer = null;
        public Boolean enableCallHistory = null;
        public Boolean enableAssistants = null;
        public Boolean showFileNameInMessageCenter = null;
        public String chakraTheme = null;
        public String customCss = null;
        public String pageTitle = null;
        public String stringMappings = null;
        public String logoutUrl = null;
        public String portMyNumberUrl = null;
        public Boolean isEnablePhoneNumberManagement() { return enablePhoneNumberManagement; }
        public AppSettings setEnablePhoneNumberManagement(Boolean value) { this.enablePhoneNumberManagement = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEnableDeviceManagement() { return enableDeviceManagement; }
        public AppSettings setEnableDeviceManagement(Boolean value) { this.enableDeviceManagement = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEnableDialer() { return enableDialer; }
        public AppSettings setEnableDialer(Boolean value) { this.enableDialer = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEnableCallHistory() { return enableCallHistory; }
        public AppSettings setEnableCallHistory(Boolean value) { this.enableCallHistory = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEnableAssistants() { return enableAssistants; }
        public AppSettings setEnableAssistants(Boolean value) { this.enableAssistants = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isShowFileNameInMessageCenter() { return showFileNameInMessageCenter; }
        public AppSettings setShowFileNameInMessageCenter(Boolean value) { this.showFileNameInMessageCenter = value; return this; }
        public String getChakraTheme() { return chakraTheme; }
        public AppSettings setChakraTheme(String value) { this.chakraTheme = value; return this; }
        public String getCustomCss() { return customCss; }
        public AppSettings setCustomCss(String value) { this.customCss = value; return this; }
        public String getPageTitle() { return pageTitle; }
        public AppSettings setPageTitle(String value) { this.pageTitle = value; return this; }
        public String getStringMappings() { return stringMappings; }
        public AppSettings setStringMappings(String value) { this.stringMappings = value; return this; }
        public String getLogoutUrl() { return logoutUrl; }
        public AppSettings setLogoutUrl(String value) { this.logoutUrl = value; return this; }
        public String getPortMyNumberUrl() { return portMyNumberUrl; }
        public AppSettings setPortMyNumberUrl(String value) { this.portMyNumberUrl = value; return this; }

    public static class AssistantSettings
        public String companyName = null;
        public String greeting = null;
        public String companyInformation = null;
        public String customPrompt = null;
        public String voice = null;
        public String voiceStyle = null;
        public AssistantTunings tuning = null;
        public ArrayList<AssistantWord> words = null;
        public ArrayList<AssistantLink> links = null;
        public ArrayList<AssistantContact> contacts = null;
        public ArrayList<AssistantIntegration> integrations = null;
        public String getCompanyName() { return companyName; }
        public AssistantSettings setCompanyName(String value) { this.companyName = value; return this; }
        public String getGreeting() { return greeting; }
        public AssistantSettings setGreeting(String value) { this.greeting = value; return this; }
        public String getCompanyInformation() { return companyInformation; }
        public AssistantSettings setCompanyInformation(String value) { this.companyInformation = value; return this; }
        public String getCustomPrompt() { return customPrompt; }
        public AssistantSettings setCustomPrompt(String value) { this.customPrompt = value; return this; }
        public String getVoice() { return voice; }
        public AssistantSettings setVoice(String value) { this.voice = value; return this; }
        public String getVoiceStyle() { return voiceStyle; }
        public AssistantSettings setVoiceStyle(String value) { this.voiceStyle = value; return this; }
        public AssistantTunings getTuning() { return tuning; }
        public AssistantSettings setTuning(AssistantTunings value) { this.tuning = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<AssistantWord> getWords() { return words; }
        public AssistantSettings setWords(ArrayList<AssistantWord> value) { this.words = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<AssistantLink> getLinks() { return links; }
        public AssistantSettings setLinks(ArrayList<AssistantLink> value) { this.links = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<AssistantContact> getContacts() { return contacts; }
        public AssistantSettings setContacts(ArrayList<AssistantContact> value) { this.contacts = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<AssistantIntegration> getIntegrations() { return integrations; }
        public AssistantSettings setIntegrations(ArrayList<AssistantIntegration> value) { this.integrations = value; return this; }

    public static enum AssistantTunings

    public static class AssistantWord
        public String word = null;
        public String pronounced = null;
        public String getWord() { return word; }
        public AssistantWord setWord(String value) { this.word = value; return this; }
        public String getPronounced() { return pronounced; }
        public AssistantWord setPronounced(String value) { this.pronounced = value; return this; }

    public static class AssistantLink
        public String url = null;
        public String description = null;
        public String getUrl() { return url; }
        public AssistantLink setUrl(String value) { this.url = value; return this; }
        public String getDescription() { return description; }
        public AssistantLink setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }

    public static class AssistantContact
        public String name = null;
        public String phoneNumber = null;
        public AssistantTransferTypes transferType = null;
        public String about = null;
        public String emailAddress = null;
        public ArrayList<AssistantTakeMessageField> takeMessageFields = null;
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public AssistantContact setName(String value) { this.name = value; return this; }
        public String getPhoneNumber() { return phoneNumber; }
        public AssistantContact setPhoneNumber(String value) { this.phoneNumber = value; return this; }
        public AssistantTransferTypes getTransferType() { return transferType; }
        public AssistantContact setTransferType(AssistantTransferTypes value) { this.transferType = value; return this; }
        public String getAbout() { return about; }
        public AssistantContact setAbout(String value) { this.about = value; return this; }
        public String getEmailAddress() { return emailAddress; }
        public AssistantContact setEmailAddress(String value) { this.emailAddress = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<AssistantTakeMessageField> getTakeMessageFields() { return takeMessageFields; }
        public AssistantContact setTakeMessageFields(ArrayList<AssistantTakeMessageField> value) { this.takeMessageFields = value; return this; }

    public static enum AssistantTransferTypes

    public static class AssistantTakeMessageField
        public String name = null;
        public String description = null;
        public Boolean required = null;
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public AssistantTakeMessageField setName(String value) { this.name = value; return this; }
        public String getDescription() { return description; }
        public AssistantTakeMessageField setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isRequired() { return required; }
        public AssistantTakeMessageField setRequired(Boolean value) { this.required = value; return this; }

    public static class AssistantIntegration
        public String uri = null;
        public String httpMethod = null;
        public String authToken = null;
        public String getUri() { return uri; }
        public AssistantIntegration setUri(String value) { this.uri = value; return this; }
        public String getHttpMethod() { return httpMethod; }
        public AssistantIntegration setHttpMethod(String value) { this.httpMethod = value; return this; }
        public String getAuthToken() { return authToken; }
        public AssistantIntegration setAuthToken(String value) { this.authToken = value; return this; }


Java NewUserAvatar DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json

To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /endpoints/{endpointId}/avatar HTTP/1.1 
Host: evovoice.io 
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
