' Options: 'Date: 2024-06-09 23:10:23 'Version: 6.40 'Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "''" prefix before updating 'BaseUrl: https://evovoice.io ' '''GlobalNamespace: '''MakePartial: True '''MakeVirtual: True '''MakeDataContractsExtensible: False '''AddReturnMarker: True '''AddDescriptionAsComments: True '''AddDataContractAttributes: False '''AddIndexesToDataMembers: False '''AddGeneratedCodeAttributes: False '''AddResponseStatus: False '''AddImplicitVersion: '''InitializeCollections: True '''ExportValueTypes: False 'IncludeTypes: AppGetHomeInformation.* '''ExcludeTypes: '''AddNamespaces: '''AddDefaultXmlNamespace: http://schemas.servicestack.net/types Imports System Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Runtime.Serialization Imports ServiceStack Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations Imports System.IO Imports Voice.Api.Portal Imports Voice.Api.Messaging Imports Voice.Api.Files Imports Voice.Api.Sessions Namespace Global Namespace Voice.Api.Files Public Partial Class FileInfo Inherits EntityInfo Public Sub New() CustomerBreadcrumb = New List(Of CustomerBreadcrumb) End Sub ''' '''The type of file this is ''' Public Overridable Property Type As FileTypes ''' '''The account ID this file is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property AccountId As String ''' '''The name of the account this file is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property AccountName As String ''' '''The ID of the customer this file is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property CustomerId As String ''' '''The name of the customer this file is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property CustomerName As String ''' '''The breadcrumb to the customer for this file ''' Public Overridable Property CustomerBreadcrumb As List(Of CustomerBreadcrumb) ''' '''The ID of the user this file is assocaited with ''' Public Overridable Property UserId As String ''' '''The name of the user this file is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property UserName As String ''' '''The original file name for the file ''' Public Overridable Property FileName As String ''' '''The URI of the file ''' Public Overridable Property Uri As String ''' '''The Content type of the file ''' Public Overridable Property ContentType As String ''' '''The size of the file ''' Public Overridable Property ContentLength As Long ''' '''The Twilio ID of the recording ''' Public Overridable Property RecordingSid As String ''' '''The duration of the recording in seconds ''' Public Overridable Property RecordingDuration As Integer ''' '''Who is the recording from? ''' Public Overridable Property RecordingFrom As String ''' '''Transcription (if available) ''' Public Overridable Property Transcription As String ''' '''From Address (e.g. caller ID) for incoming calls ''' Public Overridable Property FromAddress As String ''' '''To Address (e.g. dialed number) for outgoing calls ''' Public Overridable Property ToAddress As String End Class End Namespace Namespace Voice.Api.Messaging Public Partial Class ConversationInfo Public Overridable Property Id As String Public Overridable Property EndpointId As String Public Overridable Property OtherAddress As String Public Overridable Property MostRecentMessage As MessageInfo End Class Public Partial Class MessageInfo Public Overridable Property Id As String Public Overridable Property AccountId As String Public Overridable Property CustomerId As String Public Overridable Property EndpointId As String Public Overridable Property EndpointDisplayName As String Public Overridable Property [Date] As String Public Overridable Property Direction As MessageDirections Public Overridable Property OtherAddress As String Public Overridable Property Sender As String Public Overridable Property Text As String Public Overridable Property IsUnread As Boolean End Class End Namespace Namespace Voice.Api.Portal Public Partial Class AppGetHomeInformation Implements IReturn(Of AppHomeInformation) Public Overridable Property AccountId As String Public Overridable Property CustomerId As String Public Overridable Property FromDate As String End Class Public Partial Class AppHomeCallMetric Public Overridable Property MetricKey As String Public Overridable Property Total As Double Public Overridable Property Average As Double End Class Public Partial Class AppHomeInformation Public Sub New() Conversations = New List(Of ConversationInfo) Calls = New List(Of SessionInfo) CallMetrics = New List(Of AppHomeCallMetric) Voicemail = New List(Of FileInfo) Forms = New List(Of HostedSuiteCompletedForm) End Sub Public Overridable Property IsHostedSuiteCustomer As Boolean Public Overridable Property Conversations As List(Of ConversationInfo) Public Overridable Property Calls As List(Of SessionInfo) Public Overridable Property CallMetrics As List(Of AppHomeCallMetric) Public Overridable Property Voicemail As List(Of FileInfo) Public Overridable Property Forms As List(Of HostedSuiteCompletedForm) End Class Public Partial Class HostedSuiteCompletedForm Public Sub New() ContactsIds = New List(Of String) ContactsNames = New List(Of String) Fields = New List(Of HostedSuiteCompletedFormField) End Sub Public Overridable Property Id As String Public Overridable Property Name As String Public Overridable Property DateCreated As String Public Overridable Property DateCompleted As String Public Overridable Property FormId As String Public Overridable Property FormName As String Public Overridable Property ClientId As String Public Overridable Property ClientName As String Public Overridable Property ContactId As String Public Overridable Property ContactName As String Public Overridable Property ContactsIds As List(Of String) Public Overridable Property ContactsNames As List(Of String) Public Overridable Property EmailSubject As String Public Overridable Property CallerNumber As String Public Overridable Property Fields As List(Of HostedSuiteCompletedFormField) End Class Public Partial Class HostedSuiteCompletedFormField Public Sub New() Values = New List(Of String) End Sub Public Overridable Property Name As String Public Overridable Property Values As List(Of String) End Class End Namespace Namespace Voice.Api.Sessions Public Partial Class SessionInfo Inherits EntityInfo Public Sub New() CustomerBreadcrumb = New List(Of CustomerBreadcrumb) Log = New List(Of SessionLogInfo) Members = New List(Of SessionMemberInfo) End Sub ''' '''The state of the session ''' Public Overridable Property DialState As SessionDialState ''' '''The call state of the session ''' Public Overridable Property CallState As SessionCallState ''' '''The queue state of the session ''' Public Overridable Property QueueState As SessionQueueStates ''' '''The ID of the account associated with the flow ''' Public Overridable Property AccountId As String ''' '''The name of the account associated with the session ''' Public Overridable Property AccountName As String ''' '''The ID of the customer this session is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property CustomerId As String ''' '''The customer breadcrumb this session is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property CustomerBreadcrumb As List(Of CustomerBreadcrumb) ''' '''The name of the customer this session is associated with ''' Public Overridable Property CustomerName As String ''' '''The ID of the endpoint associated with this session ''' Public Overridable Property EndpointId As String ''' '''The name of the endpoint associated with this session ''' Public Overridable Property EndpointName As String ''' '''The date the call completed ''' Public Overridable Property DateCompleted As String ''' '''The destination of the session (e.g. what was entered into the Dial box) ''' Public Overridable Property Destination As String ''' '''The to address if any ''' Public Overridable Property ToAddress As String ''' '''The from address if any ''' Public Overridable Property FromAddress As String ''' '''The from name if any ''' Public Overridable Property FromName As String ''' '''Answered by name (if any) ''' Public Overridable Property AnsweredByName As String ''' '''The ID of the queue member assigned to this call ''' Public Overridable Property QueueMemberId As String ''' '''The flow channel ''' Public Overridable Property Channel As FlowChannels ''' '''Has the session ended ''' Public Overridable Property Ended As Boolean ''' '''The outcome of the call ''' Public Overridable Property Outcome As String ''' '''The twilio Call SID of this session ''' Public Overridable Property CallSid As String ''' '''Any console data for this session ''' Public Overridable Property ConsoleData As String ''' '''The name of the hold queue for this call ''' Public Overridable Property HoldQueueName As String ''' '''The user ID who put this call on hold ''' Public Overridable Property HeldByUserId As String ''' '''The reason for the hold ''' Public Overridable Property HoldReason As SessionHoldReasons ''' '''The SID of the conference if in a conference call ''' Public Overridable Property ConferenceSid As String ''' '''The display name for this session ''' Public Overridable Property DisplayName As String ''' '''The log entries for this session ''' Public Overridable Property Log As List(Of SessionLogInfo) ''' '''The members of this session ''' Public Overridable Property Members As List(Of SessionMemberInfo) ''' '''The callback number (typically used for SIP to User calls) ''' Public Overridable Property CallbackNumber As String ''' '''The ID of the endpoint that answered ''' Public Overridable Property AnsweredById As String ''' '''Is this session incoming or outgoing? ''' Public Overridable Property Direction As SessionDirections ''' '''The phone number that this session is coming from (used with SMS chats) ''' Public Overridable Property FromPhoneNumber As String ''' '''The Call SID of the most recently added conference participant ''' Public Overridable Property MostRecentParticipantCallSid As String ''' '''Was this session missed? ''' Public Overridable Property WasMissed As Boolean ''' '''The ring queue that the call is currently in ''' Public Overridable Property RingQueueId As String End Class End Namespace End Namespace