""" Options: Date: 2024-05-15 05:03:57 Version: 6.40 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "#" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://evovoice.io #GlobalNamespace: #AddServiceStackTypes: True #AddResponseStatus: False #AddImplicitVersion: #AddDescriptionAsComments: True IncludeTypes: NewCustomer.* #ExcludeTypes: #DefaultImports: datetime,decimal,marshmallow.fields:*,servicestack:*,typing:*,dataclasses:dataclass/field,dataclasses_json:dataclass_json/LetterCase/Undefined/config,enum:Enum/IntEnum #DataClass: #DataClassJson: """ import datetime import decimal from marshmallow.fields import * from servicestack import * from typing import * from dataclasses import dataclass, field from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, LetterCase, Undefined, config from enum import Enum, IntEnum @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class BillingItem: base_cost: float = 0.0 raw_unit_multiplier: float = 0.0 unit_cost: float = 0.0 allowance: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class BillingSettings: base: Optional[BillingItem] = None local_numbers: Optional[BillingItem] = None toll_free_numbers: Optional[BillingItem] = None inbound_voice_calls: Optional[BillingItem] = None outbound_voice_calls: Optional[BillingItem] = None inbound_faxes: Optional[BillingItem] = None outbound_faxes: Optional[BillingItem] = None inbound_sms_messages: Optional[BillingItem] = None outbound_sms_messages: Optional[BillingItem] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Struct(Dict[str,Value]): pass @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Value: bool_value: Optional[bool] = None string_value: Optional[str] = None number_value: Optional[float] = None list_value: Optional[List[Struct]] = None struct_value: Optional[Struct] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class AppSettings: enable_phone_number_management: bool = False enable_device_management: bool = False enable_dialer: bool = False enable_call_history: bool = False show_file_name_in_message_center: bool = False chakra_theme: Optional[str] = None custom_css: Optional[str] = None page_title: Optional[str] = None string_mappings: Optional[str] = None logout_url: Optional[str] = None port_my_number_url: Optional[str] = None class TagColors(str, Enum): MAGENTA = 'Magenta' RED = 'Red' VOLCANO = 'Volcano' ORANGE = 'Orange' GOLD = 'Gold' LIME = 'Lime' GREEN = 'Green' CYAN = 'Cyan' BLUE = 'Blue' GEEK_BLUE = 'GeekBlue' PURPLE = 'Purple' @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Tag: id: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None color: Optional[TagColors] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class EntityInfo: # @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the object") id: Optional[str] = None """ The ID of the object """ # @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was created") date_created: Optional[str] = None """ The date the object was created """ # @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was last modified") date_last_modified: Optional[str] = None """ The date the object was last modified """ # @ApiMember(Description="The user that created this object") created_by: Optional[str] = None """ The user that created this object """ # @ApiMember(Description="The user that last modified this object") last_modified_by: Optional[str] = None """ The user that last modified this object """ @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomerBreadcrumb: id: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class IntegrationData: third_party_id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class EntityIntegrationData(Dict[str,IntegrationData]): pass @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Schedule: time_zone_id: Optional[str] = None inherit: bool = False force_closed: bool = False rules: Optional[List[SchedulingRule]] = None default_state: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomerInfo(EntityInfo): # @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the account associated with this customer") account_id: Optional[str] = None """ The ID of the account associated with this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="The parent customer ID for this customer") parent_customer_id: Optional[str] = None """ The parent customer ID for this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="The breadcrumb to this customer") breadcrumb: Optional[List[CustomerBreadcrumb]] = None """ The breadcrumb to this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="The name of the account associated with this customer") account_name: Optional[str] = None """ The name of the account associated with this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="Is this customer staging or production?") is_staging: bool = False """ Is this customer staging or production? """ # @ApiMember(Description="The name of the company") name: Optional[str] = None """ The name of the company """ # @ApiMember(Description="The reference ID for this company") reference_id: Optional[str] = None """ The reference ID for this company """ # @ApiMember(Description="This customer's data values") data: Optional[Struct] = None """ This customer's data values """ # @ApiMember(Description="The list of tags for this customer") tags: Optional[List[Tag]] = None """ The list of tags for this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="This customer's schedule") schedule: Optional[Schedule] = None """ This customer's schedule """ # @ApiMember(Description="Integration data for this customer") integration_data: Optional[EntityIntegrationData] = None """ Integration data for this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="Override this customer's billing settings? Otherwise inherits from parent") override_billing_settings: bool = False """ Override this customer's billing settings? Otherwise inherits from parent """ # @ApiMember(Description="Billing settings for this customer") billing_settings: Optional[BillingSettings] = None """ Billing settings for this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="Should this customer override the parent customer's app settings") override_app_settings: bool = False """ Should this customer override the parent customer's app settings """ # @ApiMember(Description="App / Portal settings for this customer") app_settings: Optional[AppSettings] = None """ App / Portal settings for this customer """ # @Route("/customers", "POST") # @Api(Description="Creates a new customer") @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class NewCustomer(IReturn[CustomerInfo], IPost): """ Creates a new customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="The account ID to associate this customer with") account_id: Optional[str] = None """ The account ID to associate this customer with """ # @ApiMember(Description="The name of the customer") name: Optional[str] = None """ The name of the customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="The parent customer for this customer") parent_customer_id: Optional[str] = None """ The parent customer for this customer """ # @ApiMember(Description="The reference ID for this customer (e.g. in a third party system)") reference_id: Optional[str] = None """ The reference ID for this customer (e.g. in a third party system) """ # @ApiMember(Description="Data values for this customer") data: Optional[Struct] = None """ Data values for this customer """