Requires any of the roles: | SystemAdministrator, Manager, Customer |
PATCH | /endpoints/{endpointId} |
export class NodeParameterMap
[key:string] : NodeParameter;
public constructor(init?: Partial<NodeParameterMap>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class EntityInfo
* The ID of the object
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the object")
public id?: string;
* The date the object was created
// @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was created")
public dateCreated?: string;
* The date the object was last modified
// @ApiMember(Description="The date the object was last modified")
public dateLastModified?: string;
* The user that created this object
// @ApiMember(Description="The user that created this object")
public createdBy?: string;
* The user that last modified this object
// @ApiMember(Description="The user that last modified this object")
public lastModifiedBy?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<EntityInfo>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class CustomerBreadcrumb
public id?: string;
public name?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<CustomerBreadcrumb>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum EndpointTypes
PhoneNumber = 'PhoneNumber',
User = 'User',
FaxNumber = 'FaxNumber',
EmailAddress = 'EmailAddress',
Unused_1 = 'Unused_1',
Unused_2 = 'Unused_2',
Unused_3 = 'Unused_3',
Unused_4 = 'Unused_4',
Unused_5 = 'Unused_5',
Team = 'Team',
Assistant = 'Assistant',
export class Value
public boolValue?: boolean;
public stringValue?: string;
public numberValue?: number;
public listValue?: Struct[];
public structValue?: Struct;
public constructor(init?: Partial<Value>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class Struct
public constructor(init?: Partial<Struct>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum EndpointFlowSchedules
Always = 'Always',
Scheduled = 'Scheduled',
Simple = 'Simple',
export enum SimpleSchedulingRuleTypes
Always = 'Always',
CustomerState = 'CustomerState',
Time = 'Time',
export class ScheduleDay
public offset?: number;
public dayOfWeek?: DayOfWeek;
public constructor(init?: Partial<ScheduleDay>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum SchedulingRuleFrequency
None = 'None',
Secondly = 'Secondly',
Minutely = 'Minutely',
Hourly = 'Hourly',
Daily = 'Daily',
Weekly = 'Weekly',
Monthly = 'Monthly',
Yearly = 'Yearly',
export class SchedulingRule
public id?: string;
public name?: string;
public priority?: number;
public state?: string;
public source?: string;
public condition?: string;
public simpleRuleType?: SimpleSchedulingRuleTypes;
public customerState?: string;
public flowId?: string;
public flowParams?: Struct;
public isAllDay?: boolean;
public startDate?: string;
public startTime?: string;
public endTime?: string;
public bySetPosition?: number[];
public byMonth?: number[];
public byWeekNo?: number[];
public byYearDay?: number[];
public byMonthDay?: number[];
public byDay?: ScheduleDay[];
public byHour?: number[];
public byMinute?: number[];
public interval?: number;
public count?: number;
public untilDate?: string;
public frequency?: SchedulingRuleFrequency;
public constructor(init?: Partial<SchedulingRule>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class Schedule
public timeZoneId?: string;
public inherit?: boolean;
public forceClosed?: boolean;
public rules?: SchedulingRule[];
public defaultState?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<Schedule>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class ScheduledFlow
public stateName?: string;
public flowId?: string;
public flowParams?: Struct;
public constructor(init?: Partial<ScheduledFlow>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum TwilioSipRegions
NorthAmericaVirginia = 'NorthAmericaVirginia',
NorthAmericaOregon = 'NorthAmericaOregon',
EuropeIreland = 'EuropeIreland',
EuropeFrankfurt = 'EuropeFrankfurt',
AsiaPacificSingapore = 'AsiaPacificSingapore',
AsiaPacificTokyo = 'AsiaPacificTokyo',
AsiaPacificSydney = 'AsiaPacificSydney',
SouthAmericaSanPaolo = 'SouthAmericaSanPaolo',
export enum AgentStates
Unknown = 'Unknown',
Ready = 'Ready',
NotReady = 'NotReady',
LoggedOut = 'LoggedOut',
WrapUp = 'WrapUp',
Outgoing = 'Outgoing',
Other = 'Other',
export enum AgentStateReasons
Unknown = 'Unknown',
SetByUser = 'SetByUser',
MissedCall = 'MissedCall',
SetBySystem = 'SetBySystem',
export enum UserModes
SoftPhone = 'SoftPhone',
Sip = 'Sip',
Flow = 'Flow',
DataOnly = 'DataOnly',
ThirdParty = 'ThirdParty',
export enum UserManagerRoles
None = 'None',
Manager = 'Manager',
VoicemailAndCallHistory = 'VoicemailAndCallHistory',
Custom = 'Custom',
export enum DashboardPermissions
ViewFiles = 'ViewFiles',
ViewNotifications = 'ViewNotifications',
ViewSessions = 'ViewSessions',
ViewEndpoints = 'ViewEndpoints',
ViewReports = 'ViewReports',
ViewCustomers = 'ViewCustomers',
ViewFlows = 'ViewFlows',
export enum UserDataFieldModes
Hidden = 'Hidden',
ReadOnly = 'ReadOnly',
ReadWrite = 'ReadWrite',
export enum TagColors
Magenta = 'Magenta',
Red = 'Red',
Volcano = 'Volcano',
Orange = 'Orange',
Gold = 'Gold',
Lime = 'Lime',
Green = 'Green',
Cyan = 'Cyan',
Blue = 'Blue',
GeekBlue = 'GeekBlue',
Purple = 'Purple',
export class Tag
public id?: string;
public name?: string;
public color?: TagColors;
public constructor(init?: Partial<Tag>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum ActionUrlHttpMethods
GET = 'GET',
export class EndpointActionUrl
public id?: string;
public url?: string;
public method?: ActionUrlHttpMethods;
public constructor(init?: Partial<EndpointActionUrl>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum CustomerVisibility
None = 'None',
CurrentCustomer = 'CurrentCustomer',
CurrentAndChildCustomers = 'CurrentAndChildCustomers',
export class EndpointContact
public id?: string;
public displayName?: string;
public address?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<EndpointContact>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class IntegrationData
public thirdPartyId?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<IntegrationData>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class Dictionary<T> { [Key: string]: T; }
export class EntityIntegrationData extends Dictionary<IntegrationData>
public constructor(init?: Partial<EntityIntegrationData>) { super(); (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum ThirdPartyPhoneSystemTypes
Demo = 'Demo',
Sip = 'Sip',
export enum TransportTypes
UDP = 'UDP',
TLS = 'TLS',
TCP = 'TCP',
export enum AudioCodecTypes
PCMU = 0,
GSM = 3,
PCMA = 8,
G722 = 9,
G729 = 18,
ILBC = 97,
AMR = 98,
AMRWB = 99,
SPEEX = 100,
DTMF = 101,
SPEEXWB = 102,
ISACWB = 103,
ISACSWB = 104,
OPUS = 105,
G7221 = 121,
NONE = -1,
export enum DtmfMethods
RFC2833 = 'RFC2833',
export class ThirdPartySipAccountSettings
public number?: string;
public agent?: string;
public authName?: string;
public userName?: string;
public displayName?: string;
public password?: string;
public userDomain?: string;
public registrationExpires?: number;
public transportType?: TransportTypes;
public localIP?: string;
public localPort?: number;
public sipServer?: string;
public sipServerPort?: number;
public outboundServer?: string;
public outboundServerPort?: number;
public stunServer?: string;
public stunPort?: number;
public audioPlaybackDeviceName?: string;
public audioRecordingDeviceName?: string;
public audioCodecs?: AudioCodecTypes[];
public dtmfMethod?: DtmfMethods;
public constructor(init?: Partial<ThirdPartySipAccountSettings>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class ThirdPartySipSettings
public accounts?: ThirdPartySipAccountSettings[];
public constructor(init?: Partial<ThirdPartySipSettings>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class ThirdPartyDemoSettings
public extension?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<ThirdPartyDemoSettings>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings
public type?: ThirdPartyPhoneSystemTypes;
public sipSettings?: ThirdPartySipSettings;
public demoSettings?: ThirdPartyDemoSettings;
public constructor(init?: Partial<ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class AppSettings
public enablePhoneNumberManagement?: boolean;
public enableDeviceManagement?: boolean;
public enableDialer?: boolean;
public enableCallHistory?: boolean;
public enableAssistants?: boolean;
public showFileNameInMessageCenter?: boolean;
public chakraTheme?: string;
public customCss?: string;
public pageTitle?: string;
public stringMappings?: string;
public logoutUrl?: string;
public portMyNumberUrl?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<AppSettings>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum AssistantTunings
Accuracy = 'Accuracy',
Speed = 'Speed',
export class AssistantWord
public word?: string;
public pronounced?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<AssistantWord>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class AssistantLink
public url?: string;
public description?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<AssistantLink>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum AssistantTransferTypes
Blind = 'Blind',
Supervised = 'Supervised',
MessagesOnly = 'MessagesOnly',
export class AssistantTakeMessageField
public name?: string;
public description?: string;
public required?: boolean;
public constructor(init?: Partial<AssistantTakeMessageField>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class AssistantContact
public name?: string;
public phoneNumber?: string;
public transferType?: AssistantTransferTypes;
public about?: string;
public emailAddress?: string;
public takeMessageFields?: AssistantTakeMessageField[];
public constructor(init?: Partial<AssistantContact>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class AssistantIntegration
public uri?: string;
public httpMethod?: string;
public authToken?: string;
public constructor(init?: Partial<AssistantIntegration>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class AssistantSettings
public companyName?: string;
public greeting?: string;
public companyInformation?: string;
public customPrompt?: string;
public voice?: string;
public voiceStyle?: string;
public tuning?: AssistantTunings;
public words?: AssistantWord[];
public links?: AssistantLink[];
public contacts?: AssistantContact[];
public integrations?: AssistantIntegration[];
public constructor(init?: Partial<AssistantSettings>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export class EndpointInfo extends EntityInfo
* The account ID this endpoint is associated with
// @ApiMember(Description="The account ID this endpoint is associated with")
public accountId?: string;
* The name of the account this endpoint is associated with
// @ApiMember(Description="The name of the account this endpoint is associated with")
public accountName?: string;
* The ID of the customer this endpoint is associated with
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the customer this endpoint is associated with")
public customerId?: string;
* The name of the customer this endpoint is associated with
// @ApiMember(Description="The name of the customer this endpoint is associated with")
public customerName?: string;
* The third party reference ID for the endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The third party reference ID for the endpoint")
public referenceId?: string;
* The breadcrumb to the customer for this endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The breadcrumb to the customer for this endpoint")
public customerBreadcrumb?: CustomerBreadcrumb[];
* The display name of the endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The display name of the endpoint")
public displayName?: string;
* The type of endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of endpoint")
public type?: EndpointTypes;
* Extra info for this endpoint (typically to show in grid)
// @ApiMember(Description="Extra info for this endpoint (typically to show in grid)")
public extraInformation?: string;
* The ID of the flow to use for voice
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the flow to use for voice")
public flowId?: string;
* The name of the flow to use for voice
// @ApiMember(Description="The name of the flow to use for voice")
public flowName?: string;
* The params for the voice flow
// @ApiMember(Description="The params for the voice flow")
public flowParams?: Struct;
* Whether to use a single flow always or use scheduled flow system
// @ApiMember(Description="Whether to use a single flow always or use scheduled flow system")
public flowSchedule?: EndpointFlowSchedules;
* This endpoint's schedule
// @ApiMember(Description="This endpoint's schedule")
public schedule?: Schedule;
* The list of scheduled flows when using scheduling
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of scheduled flows when using scheduling")
public scheduledFlows?: ScheduledFlow[];
* Disable SMS
// @ApiMember(Description="Disable SMS")
public disableSms?: boolean;
* Set this to true to prevent Evo Voice from overriding the 10DLC / SMS settings for this number
// @ApiMember(Description="Set this to true to prevent Evo Voice from overriding the 10DLC / SMS settings for this number")
public useExternal10DlcCampaign?: boolean;
* Is this a virtual phone number?
// @ApiMember(Description="Is this a virtual phone number?")
public isVirtualPhoneNumber?: boolean;
* Is caller ID verified for this virtual number?
// @ApiMember(Description="Is caller ID verified for this virtual number?")
public isCallerIdVerified?: boolean;
* The verification code for this number
// @ApiMember(Description="The verification code for this number")
public callerIdVerificationCode?: string;
* The phone number
// @ApiMember(Description="The phone number")
public phoneNumber?: string;
* The Sid of the phone number
// @ApiMember(Description="The Sid of the phone number")
public phoneNumberSid?: string;
* The caller ID Name (CNAM) for the phone number
// @ApiMember(Description="The caller ID Name (CNAM) for the phone number")
public callerIdName?: string;
* The address SID associated with the phone number
// @ApiMember(Description="The address SID associated with the phone number")
public addressSid?: string;
* Do not touch this phone number - for BYOA accounts
// @ApiMember(Description="Do not touch this phone number - for BYOA accounts")
public doNotTouchPhoneNumber?: boolean;
* Is this number enrolled in a 10DLC messaging service campaign
// @ApiMember(Description="Is this number enrolled in a 10DLC messaging service campaign")
public isEnrolledIn10DlcService?: boolean;
* Whether we look up caller ID or not
// @ApiMember(Description="Whether we look up caller ID or not")
public enableCallerIdLookup?: boolean;
* The email address of the user
// @ApiMember(Description="The email address of the user")
public userEmailAddress?: string;
* The Twilio Region for the SIP endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio Region for the SIP endpoint")
public sipRegion?: TwilioSipRegions;
* The Twilio Sid of the credentials for Sip
// @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio Sid of the credentials for Sip")
public sipCredentialSid?: string;
* The Twilio SIP user name
// @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio SIP user name")
public sipUserName?: string;
* The Twilio SIP password
// @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio SIP password")
public sipPassword?: string;
* The SIP domain
// @ApiMember(Description="The SIP domain")
public sipDomain?: string;
* Is emergency calling enabled on this number?
// @ApiMember(Description="Is emergency calling enabled on this number?")
public enableEmergencyCalling?: boolean;
* The SID of the emergency address for this number
// @ApiMember(Description="The SID of the emergency address for this number")
public emergencyAddressSid?: string;
* The ID of the phone number to use for emergency dialing
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the phone number to use for emergency dialing")
public emergencyPhoneNumberId?: string;
* The current agent state of this user endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The current agent state of this user endpoint")
public agentState?: AgentStates;
* The current agent state reason of this user endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The current agent state reason of this user endpoint")
public agentStateReason?: AgentStateReasons;
* The mode for this user
// @ApiMember(Description="The mode for this user")
public userMode?: UserModes;
* The ID of the file to use for voicemail greeting
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the file to use for voicemail greeting")
public voicemailGreetingId?: string;
* The endpoint's data
// @ApiMember(Description="The endpoint's data")
public data?: Struct;
* The email address for email endpoints
// @ApiMember(Description="The email address for email endpoints")
public emailAddress?: string;
* The first name of the user (for user endpoints)
// @ApiMember(Description="The first name of the user (for user endpoints)")
public userFirstName?: string;
* The last name of the user (for user endpoints)
// @ApiMember(Description="The last name of the user (for user endpoints)")
public userLastName?: string;
* The URL of an image for this user's avatar
// @ApiMember(Description="The URL of an image for this user's avatar")
public avatarUrl?: string;
* Does this user have manager role?
// @ApiMember(Description="Does this user have manager role?")
public managerRole?: UserManagerRoles;
* The list of dashboard permissions for when the manager role is custom
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of dashboard permissions for when the manager role is custom")
public dashboardPermissions?: DashboardPermissions[];
* The type of visibility this user has to their own fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to their own fields")
public myFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The type of visibility this user has to customer fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to customer fields")
public customerFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The type of visibility this user has to other user fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to other user fields")
public otherUserFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The type of visibility this user has to other endpoint fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to other endpoint fields")
public otherEndpointFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The name of this endpoint (for bots etc.)
// @ApiMember(Description="The name of this endpoint (for bots etc.)")
public name?: string;
* The list of tags for this endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of tags for this endpoint")
public tags?: Tag[];
* The list of action URLs
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of action URLs")
public actionUrls?: EndpointActionUrl[];
* The list of members in this team
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of members in this team")
public teamMemberIds?: string[];
* Visibility of this user/team in contact lists
// @ApiMember(Description="Visibility of this user/team in contact lists")
public contactListVisibility?: CustomerVisibility;
* The list of contacts personal to this user
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of contacts personal to this user")
public contacts?: EndpointContact[];
* The documo ID for this number
// @ApiMember(Description="The documo ID for this number")
public documoId?: string;
* Integration data for this endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="Integration data for this endpoint")
public integrationData?: EntityIntegrationData;
* Settings for third party phone system
// @ApiMember(Description="Settings for third party phone system")
public thirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings?: ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings;
* Should this user override the parent customer's app settings
// @ApiMember(Description="Should this user override the parent customer's app settings")
public overrideAppSettings?: boolean;
* App / Portal settings for this user
// @ApiMember(Description="App / Portal settings for this user")
public appSettings?: AppSettings;
* Configuration for the AI assistant
// @ApiMember(Description="Configuration for the AI assistant")
public assistantSettings?: AssistantSettings;
public constructor(init?: Partial<EndpointInfo>) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
export enum ListUpdateModes
Replace = 'Replace',
AddOrUpdate = 'AddOrUpdate',
Remove = 'Remove',
* Update the specified endpoint
// @Api(Description="Update the specified endpoint")
export class PatchEndpoint implements IPatch
* The ID of the endpoint to update
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the endpoint to update")
public endpointId?: string;
* The ID of the customer to associate this endpoint with
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the customer to associate this endpoint with")
public customerId?: string;
* The third party reference ID for the endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The third party reference ID for the endpoint")
public referenceId?: string;
* The ID of the flow to use for voice sessions
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the flow to use for voice sessions")
public flowId?: string;
* Params to use for the voice flow
// @ApiMember(Description="Params to use for the voice flow")
public flowParams?: Struct;
* Whether to use a single flow always or use scheduled flow system
// @ApiMember(Description="Whether to use a single flow always or use scheduled flow system")
public flowSchedule?: EndpointFlowSchedules;
* This endpoint's schedule
// @ApiMember(Description="This endpoint's schedule")
public schedule?: Schedule;
* The list of scheduled flows when using scheduling
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of scheduled flows when using scheduling")
public scheduledFlows?: ScheduledFlow[];
* Is this a partial flow param update?
// @ApiMember(Description="Is this a partial flow param update?")
public isPartialFlowUpdate?: boolean;
* The list of tag IDs for this endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of tag IDs for this endpoint")
public tagIds?: string[];
* Whether we look up caller ID or not
// @ApiMember(Description="Whether we look up caller ID or not")
public enableCallerIdLookup?: boolean;
* Enroll this number in a 10DLC messaging campaign?
// @ApiMember(Description="Enroll this number in a 10DLC messaging campaign?")
public enrollIn10DlcService?: boolean;
* Leave 10DLC campaign
// @ApiMember(Description="Leave 10DLC campaign")
public leave10DlcService?: boolean;
* The caller ID Name (CNAM) for the phone number
// @ApiMember(Description="The caller ID Name (CNAM) for the phone number")
public callerIdName?: string;
* The new password for the app
// @ApiMember(Description="The new password for the app")
public userPassword?: string;
* Is this user SIP based or soft phone
// @ApiMember(Description="Is this user SIP based or soft phone")
public userMode?: UserModes;
* The Twilio Region for the SIP endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The Twilio Region for the SIP endpoint")
public sipRegion?: TwilioSipRegions;
* Data values for this endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="Data values for this endpoint")
public data?: Struct;
* Set this to true to prevent Evo Voice from overriding the 10DLC / SMS settings for this number
// @ApiMember(Description="Set this to true to prevent Evo Voice from overriding the 10DLC / SMS settings for this number")
public useExternal10DlcCampaign?: boolean;
* Disable SMS
// @ApiMember(Description="Disable SMS")
public disableSms?: boolean;
* The address SID associated with the phone number
// @ApiMember(Description="The address SID associated with the phone number")
public addressSid?: string;
* Unlock the phone number (for use with BYOA phone numbers)
// @ApiMember(Description="Unlock the phone number (for use with BYOA phone numbers)")
public unlockPhoneNumber?: boolean;
* The email address for this soft phone user. Will be used for login
// @ApiMember(Description="The email address for this soft phone user. Will be used for login")
public userEmailAddress?: string;
* The first name of the user (for user endpoints)
// @ApiMember(Description="The first name of the user (for user endpoints)")
public userFirstName?: string;
* The last name of the user (for user endpoints)
// @ApiMember(Description="The last name of the user (for user endpoints)")
public userLastName?: string;
* Does this user have manager role?
// @ApiMember(Description="Does this user have manager role?")
public managerRole?: UserManagerRoles;
* The list of dashboard permissions for when the manager role is custom
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of dashboard permissions for when the manager role is custom")
public dashboardPermissions?: DashboardPermissions[];
* The type of visibility this user has to customer fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to customer fields")
public myFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The type of visibility this user has to customer fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to customer fields")
public customerFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The type of visibility this user has to other user fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to other user fields")
public otherUserFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The type of visibility this user has to other endpoint fields
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of visibility this user has to other endpoint fields")
public otherEndpointFieldPermissions?: UserDataFieldModes;
* The visibility of this user/team in contact lists
// @ApiMember(Description="The visibility of this user/team in contact lists")
public contactListVisibility?: CustomerVisibility;
* The list of action URLs
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of action URLs")
public actionUrls?: EndpointActionUrl[];
* The type of update to perform to action urls if specified
// @ApiMember(Description="The type of update to perform to action urls if specified")
public actionUrlsMode?: ListUpdateModes;
* The name of the endpoint
// @ApiMember(Description="The name of the endpoint")
public name?: string;
* Force update the Twilio URLs for this number
// @ApiMember(Description="Force update the Twilio URLs for this number")
public forceUpdateUrls?: boolean;
* The list of members in this team
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of members in this team")
public teamMemberIds?: string[];
* The list of contacts personal to this user
// @ApiMember(Description="The list of contacts personal to this user")
public contacts?: EndpointContact[];
* Is emergency calling enabled on this number?
// @ApiMember(Description="Is emergency calling enabled on this number?")
public enableEmergencyCalling?: boolean;
* The SID of the emergency address for this number
// @ApiMember(Description="The SID of the emergency address for this number")
public emergencyAddressSid?: string;
* The ID of the phone number to use for emergency dialing
// @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the phone number to use for emergency dialing")
public emergencyPhoneNumberId?: string;
* Settings for third party phone system
// @ApiMember(Description="Settings for third party phone system")
public thirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings?: ThirdPartyPhoneSystemSettings;
* Should this user override the parent customer's app settings
// @ApiMember(Description="Should this user override the parent customer's app settings")
public overrideAppSettings?: boolean;
* App / Portal settings for this user
// @ApiMember(Description="App / Portal settings for this user")
public appSettings?: AppSettings;
* The settings for AI assistant
// @ApiMember(Description="The settings for AI assistant")
public assistantSettings?: AssistantSettings;
public constructor(init?: Partial<PatchEndpoint>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json
To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
PATCH /endpoints/{endpointId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: length 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